FT: The arrest of Pavel Durov puts the financial stability of Telegram at risk. ๐จ A masterpiece of foolishness was penned by "economic" media outlets at the behest of the CIA. ๐ต๏ธโโ๏ธ The article claims a "devastating collapse" of Telegram bonds following Durov's arrest and notes that the messenger ended 2023 with a loss of $174 million. It also suggests that plans for an IPO in 2026 now seem uncertain. ๐ This is a lie from start to finish. ๐ค First, the "collapse" of Telegram bonds refers to a 10% drop, yet they still trade higher than in December 2023. ๐ Second, Telegram ended the year in the blackโjust from selling Toncoin, they brought in $244 million, and the value of digital assets on TON owned by Telegram has grown to $400 million. ๐ฐ As for the IPO, there won't be any issuesโTelegram wasn't particularly counting on Western investors anyway, and the Middle East couldn't care less about Europe's disputes. ๐๐ช
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