Jio financial services must go down i demand it go down now 😡
7 replies5 likes
Satyam Singh
In the journey of su... • 4m
I always think people sleep at night but why new ideas, new strategies develop in my mind at night, not letting me sleep unless it's written down or added to the project. do all the entrepreneurs feel the same?
how to come up from facing financial issue in new startup business. should I take step for shut down it!
0 replies4 likes
parth rawat
Just making future • 1m
building ai e commarce app/webb with ai chat bot and trending products reels
I make store in past and make a lot of sells but store is shut down in 43 days because my co founder cheat on me and he have all legal registration
the idea is very good
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2 replies
D.D • 10m
Hey guys ,
I have started instagram theme pages on motivational and podcast clips niche . Do you think it has got potential or should i shut it down ?
9 replies6 likes
Trying to make thing... • 9m
How can I work for 2-3 Days and don't get any sleep at all ? Advice me.
8 replies5 likes
Pranav Nirmal on Hiatus
CA Intermediate | Mc... • 10m
I think now speakers should come with build in music streaming,
It's so frustrating to connect to phone, and when you left the room the music stops, and when you're watching reels it plays through speaker..
Shouldn't the music kept playing..
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3 replies5 likes
Entrepreneur • 2m
Worst UX award should go to Instagram .. To check a videos view we have to scroll down to its reels feed.. no view count on video page + basic filters missing (most viewed, latest, oldest) .. Inconsistent action button placement is mmuhhh
Namaskar Sriman,
This is Balagangadhar, I am a ayurvedic hair oil manufacturer, which i started in 2013 but due to lack of investment I can't go forward, want investor to establish it as an Industry. For licencensing, raw material and for machinery.