đ We all know that telegram CEO Pavel durov arrested by France government for creating a highly encrypted and free plateform telegram , where you can do any type of illegal or legal activity and no one will able tracks you without your permission bu
I have a very billion dollar đ” idea đĄ About replacing Telegram, I am using Telegram from 1 - 2 years and I have noticed very mistakes which Telegram is making and by resolving that mistakes they can literally double there earning and not only this
Remember all you need is 1 win to gain enough momentum to change your whole life.
1 win.
3 replies7 likes
Harsh Dwivedi
Medial âąÂ 29d
Telegram is now profitable đ
đ This year, the number of Telegram Premium subscribers tripled, exceeding 12 million. Our ad revenue also increased a few times. Telegram's total revenue in 2024 surpassed $1 billion, and we are closing the year with
Seeking investors! đ
Looking for âč10-15 lakhs to support my friendâs innovative idea and prototype development. If you're interested in exploring this opportunity, please reach out!
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Tariq Hameed
Stealth âąÂ 11m
The Evolution of PayTM: Exploring its Ascension and Decline - A Comprehensive Analysis.
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Jaswanth Jegan
Stealth âąÂ 6m
Why most of the Airlines go Bankrupt?
Why is it so tough to Run an Airline not only in India but in the whole world.
đ€Ą Ex-Girlfriend of Pavel Durov wants to TAKE OVER TELEGRAM!
The mother of the businessmanâs three children claims Telegram is JOINTLY acquired property. Now, sheâs planning to take half of the company through the courts.
đ Where is feminist ?