Are you constantly thinking about innovative ideas and starting your own business, but unsure where to begin? I have a solution for you!
Starting a business with zero investment is possible, but it requires a strategic, step-by-step approach to lay
How to find investors, who will invest only on my idea. Because I have only an idea and how to find investors on LinkedIn or do you know other platforms please suggest me and how to contact them.
I met very good people here who are very curious and thinking in different way
How do u getting connected and how u ask contact for future help and building network ?
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TR series
Stealth • 1m
I do business in MFCG, anyone who wants to do Patan Shell please contact 800446
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Rahul Sangtani
Stealth • 1m
I have Group of Investors searching for Startups to invest..
Do u think you have billion dollar idea contact us