Most of the grocery companies like 10 min delivery are scam in india.
It s biggest threat to the delivery partner to deliver within 10 min.
Nothing urgent required in 10 min except medical .
What do you think guys ??
I have a idea for grocery delivery app, for delivery every for free , even not required minimum order, I can manage delivery experience with my idea,
please give me answer , As a coustmers you all are supported it.
Dark reality of 10 mins food delivery
It needs to be cooked in 2 mins
Secret formula:
Precook the food -> Keep in Freeze ->
Microwave it and deliver
Indians eating this trash will visit hospitals
often [smart people will invest in Medical
Stocks ?]
Blinkit - Formerly A Quick Grocery Delivery Startup!
PS-5 In 10-Min and Indian Cricket Jersey in 10 Min. This is all because they tied up with major brands leading to Simultaneous Mutual growth for both tied businesses just like how Adidas Tied with