🤑 Pavel Durov has been included in Bloomberg's list of billionaires.
Pavel Durov, the creator of Telegram, has been included in the Bloomberg Billionaires Index. His fortune was estimated at $9.15 billion, since he is new to the ranking, the dynami
Is Instagram safe to use?
I've been reading up on Instagram's security and the various scams that are circulating, like phishing and fake giveaways.
It's surprising how sophisticated some of these scams can be! What are your thoughts on Instagram'
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14 replies11 likes
Kshirot Sagar
Stealth • 18d
We need Partner of company. Software Developer, Content Writer, Digital Marketer, Leaders, Promoter . You Will become a 1000 crore founder.
Some of the biggest startup scams!
A must read...
Comment down your thoughts below!
2 replies7 likes
Sidharth J
DigitalzPro • 5d
A proficorn is a profitable, private, and promoter-funded company with a reasonable valuation. The term was coined by Rajesh Jain, the founder of Netcore Cloud.
Characteristics of a proficorn:
Profitable: Proficorns are profitable companies that ca
So many actors getting involved in scams. Don’t they have a team that does background checks on these folks who give them money to advertise their scams?