Feed Post

Sourav Srivastava


Hood • 1m

Hey, this is my first post. I'm hoping to build a good connection


Anonymous 3

Stealth • 1m

1.Listen to your users or else the app will fail like Koo. Listen Listen Listen 2. Hire a good product designer 3. Change the UI. It looks so childish 4. Add a revenue stream for the creators 5. Hire people from the medical field (psychology) to stu See More

Sourav Srivastava


Hood • 1m

its easy to say things but in real decisions making is hard


Anonymous 3

Stealth • 1m

I know it's hard but my friend you need quality users to scale up the game

Sourav Srivastava


Hood • 1m

bro its not the quality or design, but its all depends on the management decisions


Anonymous 3

Stealth • 1m


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