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Vigneshwar Kondhapuram

Stealth • 1m

One more news about chatGPT, chatGPT is going to launch searchGPT. SearchGPT as similar as perplexity.ai . The function is like search related queries are shown by real time database ( google website's, research papers, internet, and any other), as of now the same work done by the perplexity.ai . Here the thing is SearchGPT is a separate AI tool to access. I thought that it gonna integration part of chatGPT but it's not. Any way itself an it is separate AI tool. But the saddest part is for perplexity.ai company because it is planning to rise $250M at the valuation of $2.5B-$3B. people may use only SearchGPT because of chatGPT and openAI exposure and the fame they have. This is the biggest threat to the perplexit.ai . And additionally the other news is openAI is planning to release GPT-5. And it is about human level reasoning and video resolution related thing. Mostly it gonna related to video generation. Because human level reasoning is normal thing every company trying to get that.

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