Why some one don't steal open AI Gpt store idea and make improve version. i want to do it but like a book that i read steal like artist
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Stealth • 9m
Bought this phone cooler from Amazon do try this if your interested it cools your phone 📱 very well
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Devaraj yadav
Stealth • 9m
"If you're not getting any ideas, you should read a book or listen to its audio. The book's name is 'Steal Like an Artist.' After reading this book thoroughly, you'll never struggle with generating unique ideas again. Instead, you'll start thinking a
Everyone has a book in them
They just haven't realized it yet.
You need to show the world what made you work this hard.
What made you work on that late nights.
What made you go on when everything was falling apart.
What made you "𝗬𝗢𝗨".
21 replies24 likes
Gyanvriksha Publications
Stealth • 11d
Why You Should NEVER Publish Your Book:
1. Only about 2 billion people use the internet. Why risk having them read your ideas?
2. That manuscript sitting in your drawer is doing an excellent job collecting dust. Don't disturb its peace.
3. Your un
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1 replies2 likes
Aayush Tripathi
YouTube • 6m
Hackers can walk right into a coffee shop, hack the free WiFi, and steal your passwords in minutes.
Follow these three tips to help keep your network protected when you're working outside of the office.
#hackers #databreach #ITbusiness #Techtips
"Sampling or Stealing? The Legal Beat of Music Copyright"
Did you know that using a few seconds of another artist's song in your track could land you in legal hot water? In a landmark case, hip-hop artist Biz Markie faced the music for sampling Gilb
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vishakha Jangir
Set2Score • 5m
A must-read book for entrepreneurs on creating your own space in a competitive market, or, I would say, making the competition irrelevant.
That's " Blue Ocean Strategy book " 🌊
Let me know your views in the comment if you have read this book :)...