A few questions for all AI/ML/DL/LLM devs/engineers 👇🏽
1. What is your designation? Where do you work? How much experience do you have in the field you're working in?
2. How did you get the job? Do you like/don't like working for your organisati
I know that no one likes to read in this short attention span generation, but do you guys still enjoy reading or at least read something?
If yes, what do you read, or what do you love to read? Which topics or segments interest you the most?
Are you also inspired by the creativity and innovation in Medial Showcase? I am curious to hear more about ideas that caught your attention!
Here are few questions for the members and participants:
1. What's the most underrated idea you've come ac
I'm so confused to know that I have lived all of my life in bangalore but never found a community to talk tech and startups.
If there's any I'd love to join, even if it's another techie/passionate small startup founder.
when I talk to investors they love my startup and show their interest to invest but when it comes to investing (final decision) they avoid or delay it, why?
It's so frustrating, if they don't want to invest then why do they show their interest 😓😖