User privacy concerns on telegram.
Telegram founder Pavel Durov revealed in an interview that the company employs only "about 30 engineers," which has raised concerns among security experts. Telegram, unlike Signal, does not default to end-to-end e
"The alleged customer data appeared on a cybercrime forum post, but it remains unclear if any data was exfiltrated." - Techcrunch
Don't know what Techcrunch people are smoking, for the data to appear on the forum post, exfiltrating data is a prerequ
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Bishal Saha
Stealth • 3m
Finally launched my second app
Hey guys, Goku is back to release his second app. This is Bhasha - Duolingo for Indian Languages.
No plolitics, nothing just pure knowledge. I am building it so people can learn, read and write in different languages.
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Praveena J
Stealth • 7m
This might be useful for you.
Like it, share it, and please Save it.
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Kushal Pudatha
Stealth • 7m
A small but interesting case study I wrote of how a boxer turned Marketing Mogul promoted his fight and made MILLIONS.
Give it a read so that you might also try this high-risk marketing strategy to gain Hefty ‘rewards’
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Mayank Kumar
Stealth • 6m
How is this strategy benificial?
I mean why keep an empty chair, just get a consumer to take feedbacks!
My thinking here might be wrong, but i still dont see a point!
What are your thoughts?
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Manwinder Singh
Stealth • 8m
This is my First Blog
Be sure to read it and give me reviews on how can I make my future blogs more productive
Comming soon