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Problems That india needs to solve as soon as possible otherwise in future we face civil war type situations. 1=} Worst Education Policies 2=} Unemployed Youths 3=} Unskilled Lebour + Youth 4=} High Population Growth Rate 5=} Over Dependency on

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Anonymous 1

Stealth • 3m

My ideas: 1. Start new type of institutions called IIVS(Indian Institute of Vedic Sciences). It's just a wrapper for again implementing the Gurukul System. 2. Due the "Sheep Mindset". Employment is everywhere if researched properly. Instead of becoming another Engineer or Doctor exploring new fields will solve the issue. This is individual issue, blaming others won't help much. 3. Can be solved by practical experience rather than just mugging up and writing exams on paper. No one can learn swimming by reading a book on "How to Swim", we must get into the water. 4. Mindset issue. People from agriculture background benefited by having more children coz it would reduce the cost of labours, but now these people live in cities but their thinking is of previous generation. 5. Can be solved by 1 itself, if implemented correctly. 6. Similar to 2, coz of "Sheep Mindset". Share your thoughts below 👇

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