Raul John, also known as #Raultherockstar, is a young tech enthusiast from India who has gained popularity on YouTube and Instagram. He covers topics such as technology, AI, and IT education. Raul started his YouTube channel in 2018 and creates engaging content for his peers. He even launched online AI courses for American schoolchildren last year. Raul's passion for AI led him to create a homemade robot called MeBot, which he assembled with a classmate for a school science fair. The robot includes several AI engines and can answer questions from American schoolchildren in Raul's voice. Recently, Raul gave a TEDx talk titled "From AI Curious to AI Serious." In his talk, he discussed how AI has helped him in video editing and shared his doubts about the true intelligence of modern AI. He also explained the role of GPUs in the popularity of AI and why it has become more effective now compared to 15-20 years ago. https://youtu.be/vjKUXN7QOXw?si=RNDwVXVoXFz7-I3o
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