Is there any market place for just for only personal brands?
If not then do we need any? Cuz every 'xyz' influencer, after becoming famous launches his/her personal brands and sell the shit products like perfume shampoos etc..
Do you think the various bans on major eSports games like PUBG and Free Fire have slowed down eSports adoption in India?
The eSports industry offers huge employment opportunities that Indian youth could have capitalized on if these bans had not occu
Today in Jaipur we received anonymous bomb threats! Wonder who is doing this shit. 6 institutes had to evacuate.
I think school children are doing this.
What do you guys think.
Why are hiring startups dying? It’s a crazy graveyard from Apna to Hirect. I had an idea around the space but I am cold-feet after hearing VC perspective on the space. Met a founder in Koramangala who had raised 4Cr and failed after onboarding half a