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Stealth • 2m

Here's me helping out fellow members of medial. I have been running my D2C brand from the past 2 years and here is what i use to get new customers for my business. All of these have worked for me. Please let me know if you have some other tools to recommend. I might have gotten too carried away with getting the "perfect" stack and have probably spent more time on it than it's worth lol. But still, here it goes: 1. Getting cold leads/customers: apollo.io 2. Artifical word of mouth: buzzgeniusai.com 3. Linkedin prospecting/automation: dripify.io I have literally tried all the popular options in the market and my OCD brain has finally settled on this. If you have anything you'd like to share l'd be grateful if you do. Well, I'll try to make up for the lost family time now and try to live like a regular person.

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