WhatsApp has introduced a new feature called "accidental delete" that allows users to undo the "Delete for Me" action within a 5-second window, a great saviour right?
Jaswanth Jegan
Stealth • 8m
Life saving one😂
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India is Emerging One of the Largest Player of Pharmaceutical Industry and Providing Significant Recognition and Felicitation as One of the Largest Manufacturers for API's, Branded Medicines and Life Saving Drug.Here is some Glimpse of the same:-
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Stealth • 3m
One more Scam message 😂😂
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Viraj Singh
Stealth • 7m
Best one today! 😂
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Jaswanth Jegan
Stealth • 8m
Another incredible testament to the life-saving potential of technology! Yet another life saved by an Apple Watch.
It’s amazing to see how wearable devices like the Apple Watch continue to make a tangible difference in people’s lives by detecting h
What the is work life balance for startup founders? Kis chidiya ka naam h😂😂 koi muje tips do
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Bappa Dittya Saha
Stealth • 6m
We can cut down no. of life saving surgeries by just having a better lifestyle!
(P.S - I'm writing this while eating burger and u r reading while skipping your sleep! GN!)