What's the revenue model of Medial? I don't see any ads on the platform, neither they have published articles of their own, where users can be redirected to make something from adsense. Medial is not even charging anything from it's user. How they ar
What model would you guys prefer for a service based business? A freemium model, monthly/annual premium subscription model or pay as you use model? Why?
Guys, I am building a AI based relationship counselor. What do you think of this idea?
I am planning to quit my job to work on this? Is this a wise move?
Currently medial is pre-revenue and free for users. If they start subscription or freemium model, will you continue to use it and if continue, which model will you choose?
(If medial is finding this post, can you tell us what would be your revenue m
guys I am basically born and brought up in hyderabad I am planning to move out to banglore to learn how to survive and build a small businesses is it a good idea or bad also is starting and running a small businesses difficult in bangalore I literall
Do you guys think moving to dubai to save taxes (or any other tax haven country) is a good move?
I mean it surely has its pro's but there are con's as well.
Share your views!