What can be the reason behind that it is normal that people are wearing half shirts and half t-shirt but they have to wear full pants in office to and both are hands and legs are both are limbs why there is discrimination between upper and lower lim
💀 12 Fucking Rules for Success 😠
1. Do the fucking work. Don't be lazy.
2. Stop fucking waiting. It's time.
3. Rely on yourself. The Universe doesn't give a fuck.
4. Be fucking practical. Success is not a theory.
5. Be productive early. Don't
12 Rules For Success🤦
1. Do the fucking work. Don't be lazy.
2. Stop fucking waiting. It's time.
3. Rely on yourself. The Universe
doesn't give a fuck.
4. Be fucking practical. Success is not a theory.
5. Be productive early. Don't fuck around