Apple and OpenAI are under negotiation to integrate ChatGPT. Hmmm.. seems suspicious i think they didn't got any better idea for IOS 18 So they're in talks with OPENAI for interigating CHATGPT with IOS 18.
Would a 3D printing service work in India? What would be the market demand and the target customers? A person would simply upload their 3d model online and get it delivered in T days. This could be better than owning a 3D printer because we would hav
I don't have IT knowledge or if I want to hire a software developer thn how I choose best software developer or how would I know that he/she's the best for my start-up.
Looking to hire social media intern for my new Instagram channel. This would be a 3 months paid internship. The main roles and responsibilities would be created social media post and reels around the startup ecosystem around the world.
Please post i