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Anonymous  • 

Stealth • 11d

Which growth idea is your favourite ? 1. Convince an important (niche) influencer to mention you (Tinder) 2. Do something controversial to get people talking about you 3. Buy lots of billboards in a concentrated area (Brex) 4. Release a shareable one-off product ( 5. Launch on Product Hunt and hustle to get to #1 6. Publish a viral piece of content (Dropbox) 7. Get a popular newsletter or podcast to cover you (Ramp and Packy) 8. Expand to an additional location 9. Share something remarkable about your product or company 10. Translate your product into other languages (Facebook) 11. Organize a high-profile launch event (Salesforce) 12. Launch on a new platform (Android) 13. Orchestrate a PR stunt (IHOP) 14. Create a viral video (Descript) 15. Get your users and investors with the most followers to all post an announcement on social media at once 16. Run an ad on a large podcast, TV show, or radio show (Eight Sleep) 17. Run a killer contest or giveaway (Jet) 18. Create a limited-time deal (Amazon Prime Day) Source: Lenny

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Harsh Dwivedi  • 

Stealth • 9m

This is a locked reply, you cant read this without downloading the app. Nice try if you are trying. Not possible on the web at the moment

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