So let's think that WhatsApp has shut down it's services in India?? I think the next best alternative would be Telegram.I always feel more sophisticated with its interface and features. The messaging in this app is great and Students also find it easy to join community channels and groups and we have the option to categorise our chats into different folders and lots more. Ok even if we don't consider the above things, remember when WhatsApp servers went down.Users immediately downloaded telegram since everyone know telegram is also a better option and even the top management has said the same. It's just like we are so habituated to WhatsApp,I feel WhatsApp is also confident that India will not lose them so they challenged the govt that they would leave India. So there is also a chance that Indian versions would roll out but I believe it will face the same fate same as those companies which tried to be alternative tiktok when tiktok was banned. What are your views??
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