The Delhi High Court on Friday permitted payment app BharatPe's former MD Ashneer Grover and his wife, facing prosecution in a cheating and forgery case, to travel abroad by directing them to furnish a surety of Rs 80 crore each.
Lagta hai ashneer b
Why is there Adobe products are not officially available for Linux? Is there any major reason?
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Vaibhav Babruwan Shingde
Stealth • 10m
What an amazing pitch in Shark Tank India Season 1 !! Fighting With Ashneer Grover but great Pitch♥️
What do you think, Shark Tank India plays important role in the scaling of startups by providing best marketing on TV, YouTube etc ?🚀
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Stealth • 19d
guys all are doing the same thing why they are not doing something unique like flipkart is there meesho is there same one and Swiggy is there but also zepto is there why and ai is there but now all are making more ai