How much money you think you need to save as reserve fund before starting a startup to survive pre revenue days?
Or you think starting as a side hustle with job will work? ( Not suitable for me)
Reserve money = food + rent (survival)
Just read a random idea And i think i will make an app for it.
An app for your needs where you can find sugar daddy's and sugar mommy's, you can list your montly expenses and Someone will just take care of you, with said expectations ofc.
What say?
Income - Expenses = Savings ❌
Income - Savings = Expenses ✅
A small shift but makes a huge difference.
4 replies2 likes
Sanjay Kadali
Health Catalyst • 1m
Are you a responsible spender? You always maintain your accounts for personal expenses?
If YES: then do explore my app, Penny Wise.
I have listed in on my Idea section. Do explore, add expenses and analyze your spends. Dont for