Is it possible to find authentic and effective methods to earn Rs4 to Rs5k per month through a smartphone? Despite the abundance of videos on YouTube claiming to offer such insights, it seems that most are sponsored and lack practicality.
It's very hard to enter the tech field right now , There are many layoffs on-going now . What new freshers are students to do .... 😔😔😔😌
4 replies3 likes
Sahil Mishra
Stealth • 4d
is there any way to secure my buisness idea like i have fear that my idea would get stolen 😔😔😔 if any thing I can doo
9 replies5 likes
My Idea
Stealth • 1m
I understand here , we all are with ideas but no one having money, we all are wasted time here for funding 😔
2 replies3 likes
Stealth • 19d
you all know, I was get up in morning in today and I was thinking why there is not so easy to launch the startup and get funding then I found there is something wrong with medial because I was not satisfied even medial is just in baby phase but I was
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10 replies5 likes
Uttkarsh Singh
Stealth • 10m
Content creation is not something new it was always there but has evolved from time to time but with AI I feel the things are surely going to become easy.
0 replies9 likes
Harsh Singh
Stealth • 9m
Why founder's life is so lonely no friends support no family support, are we doing something which should not be done questions hits me everyday 😞? Atleast for my case this will happen if my idea get selected after going from various processes but t
Guys, Ive a serious question.
Why no one opens a proper departmental store in india????
Spencers was there but they closed it.
Departmental stores are something whixh have litteraly everything.
But why no one is opening them in india, like proper
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Ayush Maurya
Stealth • 26d
Looking for people :
• Have many ideas.
• No coding skills.
• But want to build something.
• No investment
• Intrested in AI
Let's make something togather
I too have ideas !