Hey Medial Founders...
Kindly work on post design sizes. Currently The size is very small. As a creators like us, it's very important. Please note this. 🤝
Looking Forward 😊
Aishwarya Raj Pandey
Engineer@ Pratilipi ... • 11m
Hi can you please elaborate? By design do you mean font size? All suggestions are welcome
Everyone I'm in process to make my own Import export company,
If anyone have any suggestions about it,
Please do contact/comment.
Confused with
* Product Selection
* Fess and Expenses for Export
* Product Packaging (Food)
If anyone have a
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9 replies3 likes
Yash Satyajit
Content Writer, Web ... • 9m
Hi everyone,
I request all of you to please visit my website Amazvista.com and please share your thoughts on the user experience on the website and share your suggestions on the improvements to be made. All your suggestions would be taken into consid
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18 replies5 likes
Harsh Gupta
Digital Marketer (Me... • 11m
Hi friends ,
I need to know , what all you prefer while buying a T-shirt online . I mean what is the main thing which make you buy that t shirt online ( P--> Price , D--> Design) , if you want to express more effectively please explain in the commen
Just need a favour from you all please suggest color and tell me how the logo is
Any improvement needed or any font change etc etc please suggest me .
11 replies5 likes
Payal Manghnani
#uiux designer #free... • 6m
How is this web ui design?
All of you please give your feedback.
2 replies3 likes
Adi S R
Hey I am on Medial • 16d
Hi all want to make a startup based on Indian stock market …. Please suggest… first best 10 suggestions will be my partner of business
1 replies
Ravikumar K
Hey I am on Medial • 6m
Hi ..
I want to hire a team for Taxi booking app ,Any suggestions please
7 replies4 likes
Dhiraj Karalkar
PremitiveKey • 13d
How branding is much important for any product and what should be the approach?
All good suggestions are welcome
0 replies3 likes
Start Small Dream Bi... • 2m
Hi All,
We are developing an investment platform specifically for non-income earners like students and house wives where they can independently invest in digital,mutual funds,stocks etc.from income earner's account.
Your valuable ideas and suggestio