Why is Bangalore so overhyped? I mean, the city has internal issues, water shortages, traffic problems, and now the language imposition. Seems like the city has hit its saturation point.
Anonymous 5
PocketFM • 10m
It is the very fact that Bengaluru is overrated is the reason why people come here, and hence the cycle of water shortages, traffic and all.
Why is Bangalore so overhyped? I mean, the city has internal issues, water shortages, traffic problems, and now the language imposition. Seems like the city has hit its saturation point.
"With water scarcity predicted to be one of the most pressing issues of our time.
some even say it could be the reason for a third world war"
The need for solutions is critical. Cities like Mumbai, Bangalore, and others across the globe are already
Startup news - 1
This Indian startup called ' BOSON WHITE WATER ' is converting sewage water into drinkable water . As you know Bengaluru is suffering through a huge water crisis . This is what Vikas Brahmavar , the CEO of the company is trying to
Bengaluru’s growth hasn’t come without the challenges that have come with this incredible growth. If you’ve lived here, you know what I’m talking about: traffic jams, increasing housing rents, and a water shortage problem. Yet, Bengaluru continues to