We all know that telegram CEO Pavel durov arrested by France government for creating a highly encrypted and free plateform telegram, where you can do any type of illegal or legal activity and no one will able tracks you without your permission but Fr
๐ We all know that telegram CEO Pavel durov arrested by France government for creating a highly encrypted and free plateform telegram , where you can do any type of illegal or legal activity and no one will able tracks you without your permission bu
Telegram Becomes the Most Downloaded Messenger in France After Durov's Arrest๐
The arrest has unintentionally served as free advertising for his messenger. According to TechCrunch, Telegram has become the most downloaded social network on the App S
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Kalpesh Deore
Stealthย โขย 6m
As news is surfacing that telegram may soon be banned in India. So is there any chances that We can start a new messenging app like telegram for India. Or the existing non popular app will takeover the market