The Delhi High Court on Friday permitted payment app BharatPe's former MD Ashneer Grover and his wife, facing prosecution in a cheating and forgery case, to travel abroad by directing them to furnish a surety of Rs 80 crore each.
Lagta hai ashneer b
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Vaibhav Babruwan Shingde
Stealth • 10m
What an amazing pitch in Shark Tank India Season 1 !! Fighting With Ashneer Grover but great Pitch♥️
What do you think, Shark Tank India plays important role in the scaling of startups by providing best marketing on TV, YouTube etc ?🚀
3 replies13 likes
Havish Gupta
Stealth • 6m
So Ashneer Grover has finally launched ZeroPe!
It basically just provides pre-approved medical loans of up to Rs 5 lakh at their partner hospitals.
Considering that many other banks and startups are also offering pre-approved loans, do you think it