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*Questions of everyone freshers/Students* Hey everyone i am CE'26 Student, i have some questions to working professionals out there. 1️⃣ Will there be jobs for freshers in Cross-Platform Development? 2️⃣ What and how much an student put focus on pr

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Stealth • 7m

Bruh DSA is imp for thinking and writing clean code. You can't stop doing DSA if you stop doing DSA for a month you will forget everything. So just do 2 to 3 sums a day. Don't try to conquer DSA you can't it's basically comes by practice. Even if you just able to solve medium range questions it's ok. Don't try competitive coding it's waste of time. When comes to domain or fields. I would say go deep but don't try to be a scientist . Even if you know everything. You will do your job on basic to medium level things for mostly 3 to 5 years. So if like to explore go though different fields. As you are a beginner try to be a generalist. Not specialist. Remember you will be keep on learning in your job also so learning never stops. So take your time and explore and acquire skills. Don't be in hurry to conquer things 👍.

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