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6 things we learned from the founder of Telegram's first interview in 7 years

Business InsiderBusiness Insider · 8m
6 things we learned from the founder of Telegram's first interview in 7 years

Telegram founder Pavel Durov revealed in a recent interview that his company is on the verge of profitability and may soon go public. Durov, often referred to as the "Mark Zuckerberg of Russia," stated that an initial public offering (IPO) is being considered as a means to democratize access to Telegram's value. The messaging app currently boasts 900 million monthly active users, almost double the amount reported earlier this year. With the introduction of paid subscriptions and advertising, Telegram has generated "hundreds of millions of dollars" in revenue and aims to become profitable in the next year. Durov expressed interest in exploring AI ambitions and implementing features such as revenue sharing with content creators and business accounts. Additionally, a "social discovery" feature that facilitates networking and dating within the app is in development.


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