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Stealth • 20d

Validate this idea 💡 Suppose you find a pothole near your house or garbage or any unwanted thing, you click the image and update it on the app adding your location. The respected authority (MLA/Ministers) would receive the info about it. They have See More

Owl Maniac

Stealth • 19d

Then the person who took the photo gets their electricity cut, gas cut, harassment. If it's not possible they'll find you


Anonymous 7

Stealth • 19d

What if it’s anonymous

Owl Maniac

Stealth • 19d

Last sentence?


Anonymous 7

Stealth • 19d

I mean how tho, blockchain is built for this whole reason, right?

Owl Maniac

Stealth • 19d

Dude I said if it's not possible to find the one responsible for photo they'll find the owner of the platform. Some random illiterates will file random non sense complaints on the platform. There are 1000s of ways to harass, destroy people or companies. Never work against Gov, while the Gov is slow to respond to your problems, they're very proactive in defending their Politicians.

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