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Vansh Yadav

Stealth • 23d

Case Study - ManKind Pharma (Part 1) The same company behind Manforce, Unwanted 72, Prega News and Gas-O-Fast, is completely Indian company, started by a MR with just ₹1L is now a BSE listed company with over ₹80K Cr. market cap. 1980, RC Juneja used to work as MR at Lupin Pharma. Once, he saw a man bought his jwellery in exchange for medicines, It was his trigger point, that medicines should be affordable in India. He started his company in 1984, grew well till 1995 when he took exit with just ₹50L, hired 20 people and started in Meerut. He kept his medicines more affordable than other giants, When other giants were focusing on big cities, the two brothers started with selling in villages. They targeted small clinic owners, it was win win for all, MK, clinics and customers. Then they give better margins to medical stores, again win for them too. Their buisness started becoming big, they had distribution, doctor started recommending their product (as it was affordable) continue...

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Harsh Dwivedi

Stealth • 10m

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Harsh Dwivedi

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Harsh Dwivedi

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Harsh Dwivedi

Stealth • 10m

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