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Vansh Yadav

Stealth • 23d

If India was never colonised, what do you think it would be right now? Me: i) Our education system would be much better. ii) We will be respecting regional languages more. iii) We might not be good at cricket. iv) Even lesser industries than what we have right now. v) A bigger landmass will be called India. vi) Introduction of democracy. vii) Countering my v) India might be lesser, because it was due to independence that states came together, India might be smaller if that never happened. viii) They demolished some rituals like satee, and introduced intercaste marriage and other practices. What's your opinion?

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Harsh Dwivedi

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Harsh Dwivedi

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Harsh Dwivedi

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Harsh Dwivedi

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Harsh Dwivedi

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Harsh Dwivedi

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Harsh Dwivedi

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Harsh Dwivedi

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Harsh Dwivedi

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Harsh Dwivedi

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Harsh Dwivedi

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Harsh Dwivedi

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