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ZigauraBridging talent with opportunities
2 FebruaryLaunched On
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Zigaura – Powering the Future of Live Music Wants to book an artist for your birthday party or some corporate event? Or maybe for your cafe? Although India’s live music industry is booming, but finding gigs/events or bo

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Comments (13)
Daksh Chabra

Once the artist met with the let's suppose cafe owner, won't they start booking him directly through their contact? How will you eliminate this challenge?

1 replies
13d ago
Anansh VermaHave patience, it's happening!

- First of all, if they book outside of the platform then there won't be any party in between to regulate the safe payment gateways, potentially increasing the risk of scams. - second, the gig host would be getting a big pool of artists to select from the platform, hence they can get to show the diversity at their events, booking the same artist everytime would make it dull after a few times because it's music we are talking about and we need to have variety here time to time. - Third, it's possible that the artist with which the host would make the contacts, might not be available the next time they call for him. - Fourth, there's no guarantee that people won't make contacts outside of the platform, a level of insecurity would always be there in any business

13d ago

D DpIdk

Hey, great to see similar idea here. I'm a standup comedian and had similar problem. So I started researching on it. As I'm in most of the artists' group, I just had to circulate the registration link for making connections. So I planned all the stuff. But I stopped working on it as I had some other idea and projects to work on at that moment. But the main reason to lose motivation was profitability. There were some limitations when I thought of this; Like one time use, or 3rd party connection etc. Let's discuss further if you are interested.

1 replies
13d ago
Anansh VermaHave patience, it's happening!

Hello, thanks for reaching out. Let's discuss

13d ago

YazhiniyanStartup enthusiast

Who is you biggest potential customer in events like family functions or reunion , in that middle class people or upper middle class or rich people.who will be your biggest potential customer

1 replies
28d ago
Anansh VermaHave patience, it's happening!

Biggest potential customers would be cafe, restaurants, hotels, pubs, bars, corporate events, weddings, and informal setting celebrations at private lounges, rooftops, b'day celebrations, etc. we would also incorporate the Jagran waale on our platform

28d ago

YazhiniyanStartup enthusiast

Excellent idea but how will you hire artist and how will you verify that they are true artist not scammers or something.

4 replies
28d ago
Anansh VermaHave patience, it's happening!

No, there's a crystal clear difference when it comes to the performance between trained and untrained artists. There's already a gig market in this industry where people already hire these gig artists for performances, I'm just digitalising this whole process and changing the work culture in this industry. We actually want to spoil the artists and hosts to do more of the gigs. Cafes which have frequent gig events, have an ambience which invites more customers to them, there are data based researches which show 80% people stay for longer and 60% order something more during the gig performances, while it increases the revenue for that day by 20-25%

28d ago
YazhiniyanStartup enthusiast

I m not sure the people will ready to pay some big amount of gigs to the artist and rather they will get the local band like they guys who are not trained like these artist

28d ago
YazhiniyanStartup enthusiast

So the artist will be in standby till any events , am I right? So you pay them even when they are stand by like monthly or like by attending events

28d ago

Akash LakhotiaI just cannot fail

Basically you are trying to be urban company for artists....?

1 replies
1m ago
Anansh VermaHave patience, it's happening!

You can say that for understanding the workings, it's just different industry with different dynamics. Please give your feedback for the project, it'll be very helpful

1m ago

AbhayCaffeine in my blood.

Good idea, it would help growing artists like me greatly. If you need any help with tax compliances, feel free to consult me. (Free of charge for you)

1 replies
1m ago
Anansh VermaHave patience, it's happening!

Thank you Abhay, i would like to connect with you

1m ago

Mr Lone Wolf

Nice startup can't wait to see it become big

1m ago

Pankkaj KTStrategist & Investor

Great potential in it. Would like to be part of this project and can invest.

1 replies
1m ago
Anansh VermaHave patience, it's happening!

Thanks a lot pankkaj, i hope to connect with you for the discussion

1m ago

Sarun George SunnyThe Way I See It

Excellent idea. I love how you’ve identified the perfect gap in the market

1 replies
1m ago

gkBegining thoughts

Really nice idea. Keep doing

1 replies
1m ago
Anansh VermaHave patience, it's happening!

Thank you gk, also feel free to give suggestions! Have a nice day.

1m ago

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