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MyFuturDocHealthcare App Problem: - Lack of a unified app
31 JulyLaunched On
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MyFuturDoc Problem - Lack of a unified app for all medical needs. - Not having Digitized Health Reports And Ai health Analytics. Difficult to handel huge pile of reports and files. - App to Find Nearby Beds Avai

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Comments (12)
Niket Raj DwivediCEO at Medial. Previously CEO/Founder of The Write Order acquired by Pratilipi.

Hi November’s Showcase is now live and you can participate again with this idea or with a new idea. Looking forward to seeing your submission!

4m ago

Niket Raj DwivediCEO at Medial. Previously CEO/Founder of The Write Order acquired by Pratilipi.

Hello there! Thank you for participating in Medial’s Startup Showcase in August. We have a new opportunity for you to Participate in Red Bull Basement where you can submit this idea and represent India as a finalist if selected in Tokyo, Japan! You also stand a chance to win funding, incubation and mentorship from Red Bull. To participate just Search for Red Bull Basement and apply or else click on this link to apply- Once you participate please Dm Me or tag me here and let me know that you have done so.

1 replies
6m ago

sai rajaSome times it’s okay

Your tagline isn't quite right. Consider the use cases of Zomato or OYO. When do you use these services? Typically, it's when you're away from home or when no one is around. What I'm suggesting is that local people generally prefer their own doctors, while migrants or travelers might use such services more efficiently. Don't just limit yourself to examples like OYO or Zomato; think bigger. However, there are several hurdles to consider: The healthcare sector is highly regulated, and obtaining government permissions can be challenging. Information in this sector is sensitive, and both hospitals and patients are reluctant to share it. Many hospitals are run by corporations rather than individual doctors. Doctors are often bound by corporate rules. Monetization through booking fees, platform fees, and hospital advertising is possible. Government health insurance schemes make it unlikely that the government would share details with external parties. Some corporate doctors might prescribe unnecessary tests to meet monthly targets—a harsh reality. Communication between insurance providers and customers can be extremely challenging. In India, people often have an emotional connection to their family doctors. Not all doctors will be punctual or transparent. While these challenges are significant, great entrepreneurs don’t shy away from difficulties; they work to solve them. My suggestion is to start with a niche market, such as dental clinics, where there are fewer regulations and no insurance component. You could begin by educating your customers and collaborating with product sellers like toothbrush and tongue cleaner manufacturers. This will help you understand your market and user behavior. From there, you could expand to veterinary hospitals and diagnostics. Execution is crucial, so challenge yourself, build your solution, and aim to become a new billionaire. I'm not challenging your idea, just offering my perspective. As you asked my opinion

1 replies
7m ago
Tarun Suthar20 | CA Inter | CS Executive | Entrepreneur

Thank you Sai for your genuine feedback of this industry.

7m ago

Nandha ReddyCo-Founder & CSO @MediSafe. | Cyber Security | Block chain | ML Talks about: Cyber security | Machine learning | Blockchain| Business. Talks about: Cyber security | Machine learning | Blockchain| Business.

1.) How are you planning to monitize?. 2.) how can you ensure data security? 3.) what is the state of your startup at present? 4.) how will you convince hospitals to come to your platform? (As they have large amount of patients flow). Please don't give generic answers.

3 replies
7m ago
Tarun Suthar20 | CA Inter | CS Executive | Entrepreneur

thank you nandha. we will consider your feedback

7m ago
Nandha ReddyCo-Founder & CSO @MediSafe. | Cyber Security | Block chain | ML Talks about: Cyber security | Machine learning | Blockchain| Business. Talks about: Cyber security | Machine learning | Blockchain| Business.

All are perfectly aligned and good to go. But the only thing i believe you need to think about is monitization, because: 1.) especially in india people don't put money for service (they need something touchable and you need to give them experience) 2.) hospitals do not care at all. Just think, do hospitals really care about patient's previous medical data. ? (I agree it's very critical and important but hospitals in India don't care ). How can you sell for people who don't need the product/service. This is completely my version. I believe you did your own research for this conclusion. All the very best for this I hope you bring it out to beta phase for better understanding the product market fit. All the very best. (Any time available for any assistance).

7m ago
Tarun Suthar20 | CA Inter | CS Executive | Entrepreneur

hi nandha, 1, we will monetize through percentage from appointment fees and subscription modal and from other sources like insurance and loan facilities. we will integrate ABHA for digital records or will will build our own database. and we will authorize through health ministry. We are currently building MVP. As i have colab with a doctor who has already built what i am building currently and has connections over 100+ hospitals. we will convince hospitals that we will list your hospitals at our platform and we will onboard patients through emergency ambulace services and appointments.

7m ago

Sarun George SunnyThe Way I See It

Hey Founder/s I loved the concept of this app. Hope you answer some of my questions. How will the startup ensure the security and privacy of digital medical records to protect against data breaches and unauthorized access? What strategies will the platform use to integrate seamlessly with existing healthcare systems like hospitals, clinics, and insurance companies How will you build trust with patients and healthcare providers to encourage adoption of the platform? How will the app address the technological demands of maintaining AI analytics, GPS tracking for ambulances, and real-time bed availability systems? What differentiate the app itself and highlight its USP How will "MyFuturDoc" convince doctors and hospitals to adopt the platform

1 replies
7m ago
Tarun Suthar20 | CA Inter | CS Executive | Entrepreneur

hi, so we will integrate ABHA that is gov. intiative to digitize health records. so all data will be stored with gov. under health ministry. hospitals and clinics will be listed in our app. and patients will use the app not only for appoinments but also for the health analytics, diet & prescriptions and medicine intake schedule. we will execute through hospitals and doctors connections and by providing them patient data management service and report analysis. we will integrate Google latest ai or other to analyse reports data. Like we track rapido bike similarly we will track ambulance. we will build different apps for hospitals and patients to have better ui and ux. there are four competitors currently ekacare, practo, appllo hospitals and medulance. we are different with our execution and market approach & positioning.

7m ago

Anirudh GuptaCA Aspirant|Content writer

This one's a really good one.It fulfills the definition of startup

1 replies
8m ago

KrishnaWants to create something big

It's good but in big hospitals they have their own blood banks , and also their ambulance come to you in one call and also have started working on it already?? If not then you should because then you will understand there are so many odds in this ..

1 replies
8m ago
Tarun Suthar20 | CA Inter | CS Executive | Entrepreneur

hi krishna would like to discuss more about the industry. can you check dm

8m ago

Ronak PatelHere you go!

Problem solving 🚀

8m ago

LIKHITHOn ne sait Jamais !

Nice idea bro. Solving a genuine problem

1 replies
8m ago

ALOK MAURYAI carry your dreams, literally

You should really solve this, it's highly needed

1 replies
8m ago

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