if you get chance to leave india will you leave it ?
I will !!
jaaha tax itna high hai
innovation ke nam pe only american companies ho i.e Fb,amazon, Netflix...
Manufacturing china shift ho gya ho ,khali
deshbhakti ka gun gaan Krna ho
baki product
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Kunal sapkal
A Machine Learning E... • 1m
true.. yet i would prefer being here and try to change situation
Hey all, I'm an IT Project Manager who wants to be an Entrepreneur soon. From practical to theoretical knowledge on a day to day basis I try to learn a few. I'm yet to find my niche yet to start my journey as an entrepreneur. I know I sound like a ro
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Generalist • 10m
I just remembered this line that I saw somewhere and wanted to share it,
"One of life's most painful and important lessons is that not everyone wants to change, even if they are in a bad situation or are miserable, the familiar feels safe and change
Here is the situation..
A client is disappointed with the recent marketing campaign results and feels their brand did not gain enough visibility and engagement. They express frustration and consider ending the contract.
How do you respond to addres