This series made Cartoon Network a world-famous channel! In 1995, Cartoon Network launched "What a Cartoon!", an incredible initiative! The Goal? This initiative allowed new and lesser-known cartoon creators to directly showcase their animated cartoon on Cartoon Network. Each cartoon series aired for a few weeks as part of the show. The most popular cartoons were then turned into full-fledged series, with Cartoon Network pernally helping creators bring their ideas to life. How it Benefited Everyone: 1. For Cartoon Creators: They got a golden opportunity to showcase their work on a major platform. 2. For Cartoon Network: They gained a variety of fresh content and could select the best-performing cartoons to turn into series. 3. For Kids: They loved seeing a constant stream of new, creative cartoons! The Results? The series ran for 2 years, airing over 40 cartoon shorts in total and captured 2-4% of total TV viewership in the U.S. during its run. This initiative alos led to the creation of 6 iconic cartoon series, including Dexter's Laboratory, The Powerpuff Girls, Johnny Bravo, and my favourite, Courage the Cowardly Dog. This proves how giving opportunities to new talent can lead to incredible success for everyone involved!
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