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Have you ever wondered if animals feel empathy like we do? I want to explore “The Evolution of Conscious Empathy in Non-Human Species.” This topic could change how we understand our connection with the animal kingdom. While we know a lot about empath

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Siddhi Ransing

Stealth • 4d

I’m excited to explore "The Evolution of Conscious Empathy in Non-Human Species." I’ll start by researching empathy in animals like dolphins and elephants, then outline my findings in an easy-to-read paper. I want to share it with experts and readers to gather feedback and refine my ideas. After that, I’ll use social media and host online discussions to engage more people. If the response is positive, I’d love to expand my work into a book or series of articles. I also plan to connect with animal welfare organizations to promote a deeper understanding of empathy in animals.

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