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b.saini11 Know

Stealth • 8h

Startup Idea: Wealthriz.com - Comprehensive Finance Platform Wealthriz.com - Your Finance Hub Wealthriz.com is a finance website offering high-quality blogs and innovative tools like a unique SIP calculator with inflation adjustments and detailed See More


Anonymous 1

Stealth • 8h

All that fluff and we will do this and we will do that and all but your vision is just for "finance management, combining educational content, engaging tools, and professional services" and what bit are you starting out with? None of the vision part See More

b.saini11 Know

Stealth • 8h

Appreciate the feedback! What sets Wealthriz apart is not just the content but the personalized, actionable tools we're developing, such as our advanced SIP and EMI calculators. For instance, most SIP calculators don't account for inflation adjustment, a crucial factor for long-term planning—our tool solves that. Plus, in finance, it's vital to visually analyze data like interest paid vs. principal over time, and our tools provide that level of clarity. Our blogs aren’t just your standard articles; they share secret strategies that add real value, and once you read them, you’ll realize they’re different from the majority. We're also planning to add more crucial tools and features to enhance the user experience even further in the future!

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