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Stealth • 3h

Want to get your audience to market for you? Here’s a secret: they’ll do it by accident if you set things up right 💀🤌 1. Create shareable content: People love sharing things that make them look good. Focus on creating valuable, entertaining, or inspiring content your audience will want to show off. 2. Build a community: Encourage interaction. When people feel part of a group, they naturally promote it. Create spaces where your audience can connect, share stories, and celebrate wins. 3. User-generated content: Ask your audience to share their experiences with your product. It’s free marketing when they post reviews, testimonials, or even videos showing how they use your service. 4. Incentivize sharing: Give people a reason to spread the word. Whether it's referral programs, contests, or just a shoutout, people are more likely to share when there’s something in it for them. 5. Make it easy to share: Simple things like a “share” button or encouraging a call to action can be the push they need. Case study: Dropbox’s referral program is legendary. By offering extra storage to both the referrer and the new user, they got millions of users to do the marketing for them—without spending a fortune on ads. It was accidental genius: people shared to get free storage, and Dropbox grew rapidly. So, if you want your audience to accidentally market for you, focus on creating something they want to share. Keep it simple, make it fun, and watch your brand grow with minimal effort.

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