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Stealth • 20d

Is there is any platform or people who invest on basis of only idea. If there is , please mention some names

Niket Raj Dwivedi


Medial • 20d

In the current down market there are almost none. Only previously successful founders might get money at idea stage.

Havish Gupta

Stealth • 19d

YC still funds start-ups at the ideation stage. No?



Medial • 19d

I guess yea but the idea should be easily doable in few months. But the equity structure might not be good, although it's good. Not sure about that

Havish Gupta

Stealth • 19d

Their equity struckture is actually not that bad considering the benifits the Startup gets because of them. At start, YC's invests a total of $500,000 into our company. This is split into two parts: 1) $125,000 for a fixed 7% stake 2) for the leftover $375,000, the equity is dicided based on the valuation on their next round For eg the startup raises at $5 Million valuation, YC will get $375,000 / $5 Million stake which is another 7.5%.

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