🌍 We all know that telegram CEO Pavel durov arrested by France government for creating a highly encrypted and free plateform telegram , where you can do any type of illegal or legal activity and no one will able tracks you without your permission bu
We all know that telegram CEO Pavel durov arrested by France government for creating a highly encrypted and free plateform telegram, where you can do any type of illegal or legal activity and no one will able tracks you without your permission but Fr
🌍 We all know that telegram CEO Pavel durov arrested by France government for creating a highly encrypted and free plateform telegram , where you can do any type of illegal or legal activity and no one will able tracks you without your permission bu
The CEO of Telegram was arrested for allowing free speech!
Huh! What next? Arrest the Prime Minister of Greenland for providing clean air to breathe?
Crazy times we live in! If the governments have a problem, then ban the app. Arresting the founder
Telegram CEO arrested for creating plateform for free speech.
Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of the popular messaging app Telegram, has been arrested by French authorities at Le Bourget Airport, north of Paris. The 39-year-old tech entrepreneur w
Rapido is the only cab service which gives rides as soon as you book and with their tipping feature it’s faster than ever. Plus the cheapest fares too. Ola and Uber charge higher, make you wait almost every time, and so much so that you’ll start hati
Why I focus on writing:
Writing is the fastest way:
- To build authority
- To build relationships
- To earn income
- To impact the world
And it’s free.
Don’t think too much, just write.
Sick of this sharing for vote, even my posts comments are being spamed
I've shared my idea once in everyone's dm and that's okey
But opening medial every 10mins and saw 3-4 repeated messages
Are y'all too much hungry for 10-30k ?
it's 12:45 am 1 dec of 2024 , bro I just tried, i didn't do anything today .
I have also not used my phone too much , just my brain is not working.
it's frustrating you know 👾 ..