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Bhavya Ranpara

Stealth • 1m

Spoke with an ecosystem enabler about breaking into venture capital hailing from an unconventional background. They mentioned that having a $10mil exit is necessary to be considered. Interestingly, VC represents only 6-7% of the world's capital allocation which was odd - As this was a micro-fund. I’m sure the pay must be decent, with a benchmark of $100-125k pre-tax (capped). However, another interesting point was the heavy supply for these positions which will bring the costs down substantially over time in the years to come if demand... Is not sustained. Now many suggest that your odds of success and securing funding increase if you have the right credentials, which is obv true due to human proximity and familiarity. However, thanks to technology and the affordability of the internet, anyone can build an MVP, gain traction, show growth, raise funds, get a decent exit few years down the line and start building again. My final, perhaps unpopular, take is that while this field seems lucrative and relaxed from the outside, other career options can offer similar or greater comfort. They just aren't as visible due to strict company policies. If you wanna do VC - just bloody build and succeed.

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