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Stealth • 23d

Raised $250 million which is Rs. 2000 Crore for this AI pin and now after it flopped they want to sell it at $800 Mil - $1B (approx rs 8000 cr). Delusional founders. I feel sad for their investors. An influencer can really screw you up.

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Harsh Dwivedi

Stealth • 10m

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Harsh Dwivedi

Stealth • 10m

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Harsh Dwivedi

Stealth • 10m

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Harsh Dwivedi

Stealth • 10m

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Harsh Dwivedi

Stealth • 10m

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Harsh Dwivedi

Stealth • 10m

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Harsh Dwivedi

Stealth • 10m

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Harsh Dwivedi

Stealth • 10m

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Harsh Dwivedi

Stealth • 10m

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Harsh Dwivedi

Stealth • 10m

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Harsh Dwivedi

Stealth • 10m

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Harsh Dwivedi

Stealth • 10m

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