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Stealth • 5m

Is going through ur chats or tracking ur activity on browser To offer betters ads bad? Arent they showing relevant and different options? anyways all ur data is stored in databases with hashing so nobody actually knows who u r in the ocean of users. See More


Anonymous 2

Stealth • 5m

I think these data can well enough be used for personalised ads and stuff it can also be misused during times like elections, it can and it does deeply affect the polling results you have no idea how strong data is and can be. There are ways in which See More


Stealth • 5m

I understand the political aspect. But why are talking only about meta when it comes to data and politics and why not google and youtube. People spend as much time on those platforms aswell.. And US DOJ already went heavy on meta about this political See More


Anonymous 2

Stealth • 5m

You then don’t know about google.


Stealth • 5m

I know they qstned google as well For tracking user. But i dont think they qstned google in specific for this election manipulation thing unlike meta


Anonymous 2

Stealth • 5m

Is common sense lacking that much? It’s because you cannot post your opinion on google. 🤦🏾‍♂️ And Facebook didn’t get questioned because they HAD the Data, they manipulated data, used posts to target their influence as to who they support all thru and before the election. One more thing they were questioned for was pushing posts for political parties and selling them the data for campaigning advancements. These are not where Google operates within. Yt doesn’t push any particular side Be it left or right, it purely shows you Your interests. Hope you get it man.

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