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Havish Gupta

Stealth • 5m

Idea Validation! Do you think there should be a social media app for kids (under 18). It would consist of features like dms, post, etc. we can also add a page to exchange school notes and hw. though, the main differenciater would be detection of ad See More

Nishant singh

Stealth • 5m

This idea is not viable because why the children eith age under 18 requires social media. Also a lot of people with age above 18 can come and exploit the children. Now amount of restriction can stop this and govt will also not allow this. So its very See More

Havish Gupta

Stealth • 5m

The kids don't need it but they actually use it. And this is the truth

Nishant singh

Stealth • 5m

Yes I agree thats why you cannot stop them from using it. Just think other way around if someone aged in 30s start using your app and started exploiting young children. How will you stop?? That's why Govt will never allow such app in long run.

Nishant singh

Stealth • 5m

But Instead of a open social media if it is specific to a niche that may be indeed possible and a better idea

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