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Havish Gupta

Stealth • 5m

Idea Validation! Do you think there should be a social media app for kids (under 18). It would consist of features like dms, post, etc. we can also add a page to exchange school notes and hw. though, the main differenciater would be detection of ad See More

Harsh Gupta

Stealth • 5m

The main problem is majority of the Kids use their parents mobile phone , which means they are using Gmail id which is 18+ .In india very few parents buy phone for thier kids (specially under 18) Now a days kids are smart enough to realise who ch pl See More

Havish Gupta

Stealth • 5m

Well that was a time. Now even in my class most of the kids have iPhone man. That is true but would probably change in future

Harsh Gupta

Stealth • 5m

I think your are talking about well privelege kids , but don't forget India's majority children are not that much priveleged , that they will get any smartphone.

Havish Gupta

Stealth • 5m


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