Feed Post

Havish Gupta

Stealth • 5m

Idea Validation! Do you think there should be a social media app for kids (under 18). It would consist of features like dms, post, etc. we can also add a page to exchange school notes and hw. though, the main differenciater would be detection of ad See More



Apple • 5m

I don't think this would work as firstly very less parents will like to have kids on social media, and the main audience will be 7-14 as below 7 won't be able to understand many things and above 14 won't use and will be given control. Also what if it See More

Havish Gupta

Stealth • 5m

Parents actually don't want ther kids to use an app of any kind (and just won't them to study), but even they know that their kids use them. So this might prove to be some kind of win-win situation where kids will get to talk to their friends, etc and parents would get control to what they do. Second making the content engaging is not the problem, forcing kids to not use apps like ig is the issue (whick is anyways not possible). At last, Even we both know what all we do online without our parents knowing about it.

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