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Havish Gupta

Stealth • 5m

Idea Validation! Do you think there should be a social media app for kids (under 18). It would consist of features like dms, post, etc. we can also add a page to exchange school notes and hw. though, the main differenciater would be detection of ad See More

Messi Boss

Stealth • 5m

How you will going to know user is under 18 ? Below 18 can do the same thing as above 18 on social media

Havish Gupta

Stealth • 5m

You are right! So for that the app will have adult words detector and parental control. So if someone uses or talks About for eg s**, then their app will be blocked and their parents will get notification. The problem is not kids using social media, the problem is with what they do on social media. Tho one problem is bringing kids on this app

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