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Stealth • 5m

I am thinking if someone put 2 lakh rupees telescope in resturant or any place to attract people then it will be great as a marketing perspective people will come to see space and gain next level experience only from your resturant or cafe. You will See More

Wahid Shaikh

Stealth • 5m

🤣🤣🤣 do you even know what it takes to see something in space through telescope. you can definitely see things in space with a telescope from anywhere on Earth, as long as you have a clear view of the night sky. there are some limitations to keep in mind: Light pollution: Bright city lights can wash out the night sky, making it harder to see fainter objects. Weather: Cloudy or stormy weather will obviously block your view. Telescope's power: A small telescope will only allow you to see brighter objects. For fainter or more detailed views, you'll need a more powerful telescope.

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